
Crew/Cast Database

Horace Williams Jr.

Film Roles: Boom Operator, Co-producer, Co-writer, Colourist, Composer, Continuity, Picture Editor, Producer, Sound Editor, Sound Engineer, Sound Recordist, Special Effects, Storyboarding, Video Editor

Place of Residence: Fredericton


Though primarily engaged with film over the last two decades, I have vast experience in audio. Through the seventies, I was a session musician with experience recording with Donovan, Andrew Loog Oldham (Rolling Stones producer) and many more, dovetailed with making a living as a singer/songwriter/song collector.

Successfully producing records for friends through the eighties led to establishing Little Castle Studio, which became the go-to studio for acoustic genres in Vermont, serving 234 unique customers over the next 24 years, many with multiple projects. This naturally led to becoming involved in film. In 2010, I moved the operation to Lake George, NB, and built a state of the art audio post and picture editing suite.

My four most recent feature film projects are all enjoying considerable success:

The Birth Of Innocence features Oprah guest Don Miguel Ruiz, has won 12 film festival awards, and is now for sale worldwide in all possible formats http://www.littlecastle.com/Th...

Vulnerable Innocence for director/producer Charlene Doak-Gebauer, has won 24 film festival awards and is also available worldwide https://www.vulnerableinnocenc...

Ebola Fighter - Hero With A Thousand Faces for director Joel Clark is now being distributed by 1091 Media (formerly TheOrchard https://www.kanopy.com/en/prod...

Rhythms Of Life - The Power Of Drumming for director Craig Norton is also an award winner, and is available now worldwide on Blu-ray & DVD. I'm currently partnering with Craig to set his film up on all TVOD, SVOD, and AVOD channels worldwide. https://www.roldoc.com/

I have everything here to bring your vision from rough cut all the way through DCP for full scale cinema. - Audio is more important than picture in film (google that). I can deliver unprecedented sound design/audio post at a level usually only the majors can achieve in full 5.1. - Picture editing on a 10' screen utilizing a high-end SXRD projector (same tech as a cinema projector) that will translate exactly when delivered in a full scale cinema. - Color grading on DaVinci Resolve including focus enhancements that can recover valuable footage essential to your story. - Narrative guidance and script doctoring to help you communicate your vision in the clearest and most compelling manner possible. - Composition / Original Score to emotionally connect your audience to your story. - Creation of all forms of deliverables for VOD and hardcopy distribution, including graphic design and DCP for full-scale cinema - Guidance in setting up a sensible manner in which to distribute your work once complete.


Demo Reel

Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Phone: (506) 261-2549
Website: https://www.littlecastlestudio.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/birthofinnocence