
Crew/Cast Database

Andressa Cutini

Film Roles: Actress, Camera Assistant, Stills Photographer

Place of Residence: Fredericton


Andressa Cutini is a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. Before moving to Canada, she graduated in her hometown, Vila Velha, Brazil, with a Bachelor in Advertising, where she learned about marketing and graphic design. While working as an art director for a digital marketing agency, she turned her passion for photography into the focus of her career. Her most recent photography work explores storytelling as a way to embrace her passion for literature and cinema. Through her photographs, she is always searching to capture what makes us tell stories, and how that transcends our human notions of time.

Photographer; Camera Assistant; Graphic Designer;

English, Other

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andressacutini/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andressa.cutini

Film Title: Still Your Song
Film Year: 2025
Film producer: Brit Sparrow & Kayla Ossachuk
Film format: Feature Film (RED)
Film role: Actress, Camera Assistant, Stills Photographer